Once your scanning is complete, you can begin reviewing your IT Estate data in the Explorer section of the Platform. In this article, we'll look at the server and the services views.
Server View
In the Servers View, you can see the list of servers. Each row has several columns displaying primary information related to a server. This includes the Host Name, Domain, Tags, OS details, Scan details, Metrics, Disk information, etc.
- Clicking on the Servers group will expand the list with additional sub-categorical groupings such as OS, physical vs virtual, instrumented, etc.
- You can adjust your view by using the selection menu options available from the icon in the top right corner of the list view
Service View
In the Services view, you can see the list of services and drill down in to additional detail of each service
Sorting Table Columns
The Tables in each view can be sorted based on any table column.
In order to sort data based on a specific column, click the name of the column at the top of the table once. A single click sorts it in ascending and the second click sorts it in descending and the third click gets it back to its normal order.
You have the option to export any of the IT Explorer data, including the Services, Servers, Found Applications, and Applications
In order to export, click on the export button, second from the top right corner
There are three options. You can export as an Excel, CSV, or do custom export to export specific columns as shown in the image.