Service Neighbours summary
Provides a for each Service a summary of devices having connections to the Servers supporting the service, providing some insights into how this service is used by other services or clients of that service
Server Neighbours summary
Provides a for each Server a summary of devices having connections to that Server, providing some insights into the role of the server in the infrastructure. (like edge / isolated server vs central servers such as a Directory or Web Server)
Server Communication
Provides a ‘matrix’ (cross-reference) of how Servers are interconnected, providing a birds-eye view of server dependency from a communication perspective.
Missing IPs
Provides a listing of non-scanned devices that have been detected through connection data collected on servers.
Application & Found Application Listen Ports
Provides a list of all types of Applications (respectively Found Application), the port(s) they are listening on, and the servers they run on. Scope Extension SuggestionsProvides a list of how TCP Ports are used by applications (port to App mapping). Provides a list of IPs to be considered for Scope Extensions.Inventory/Service Details Shows discovered services complete from a server discovery point of view.
Found Application Inventory
Provides a summary and list of ‘FoundApplications’ which correspond to a single process or group of processes that could be candidates for Fingerprinting and need to be reviewed.
Found Group Inventory
Simple browsing of the information in that report allows to quickly identify candidates for Fingerprinting and/or Service Modeling.
Process Search
Allows users to input one or multiple terms to be searched for, and provides a ‘matrix’ of processes matching these term(s) and servers running these servers.