Approving a service for migration:
A service should be transitioned to "Approved" when the following conditions are met:
Each service should be reviewed to ensure all findings are accurate
Ensure there are no duplicate findings
Review the Service Completeness:
CloudSphere provides a Completeness Score that looks at all the discovered communications paths and dependencies. These should be validated to ensure all service assets are included and unwanted assets are excluded.
CloudSphere recommends each service has the proper data enrichment elements added to the service. These elements are used to calculate complexity and risk scores associated with each service which are used to place services into the appropriate migration wave:
Environment: Edit service details in the CloudSphere UI to assign the service environment to the "Importance" field. The following environment choices exist:
Criticality: Service Criticality is a measure of the importance of this service for the business. The Criticality should be added as a tag within the service. Available options are:
Data Sensitivity: Data Sensitivity is a measure of data privacy for data associated with the service. The Data Sensitivity should be added as a tag within the service. Available options are:
Each service contains a "review status" field. Once a service has been reviewed and meets the recommended conditions, it can be transitioned to "Approved" either in the CloudSphere UI or with the API. Available states include:
Discovered: Initial state
Awaiting Approval: Reviewed but not ready for migration
Approved: Ready for migration
Excluded: Service should be excluded from migration consideration
Top Row Widgets:
IT Elements:
The IT Elements bar chart shows the number of Business Services, Applications, and Servers that are part of the migration process.
Rule(s): Sum of all business services "approved" for migration, and the sum of all the associated applications and servers
- The Environments pie chart provides a summation of business services to be migrated by the environment they reside in.
- Understanding the environment helps CloudSphere more accurately compute the overall risk score for the service. Environments must be assigned for each service.
- Rule(s): A count of "approved" business services by environment type. Environments should be assigned by API/UI for each service.
Data Sensitivity:
The Data Sensitivity pie chart provides a summation of business services to be migrated by the data sensitivity rating applied to that service.
Data Sensitivity is another element that can impact the risk and complexity scoring calculations. Data sensitivity is currently used in the calculation of the Migration Risk Score. Data sensitivity should be assigned as a tag value for each service.
Rule(s): A count of "approved" business services sensitivity rating.
The Criticality pie chart provides a summation of business services to be migrated by the criticality score applied to that service.
Service Criticality is a measure of the importance of this service for the business. It is used to calculate the overall migration risk score and should be assigned as a tag value for each service.
Rule(s): A count of "approved" business services that exist by criticality rating.
The Recommendations pie chart shows the breakdown of services to be migrated into the 6R's
Migration strategies can differ significantly between business services. CloudSphere's knowledge of inter-dependencies and communication allows us to provide accurate recommendations for your organization's cloud migration. The different levels of complexity associated with each type will be used in the calculation of the overall migration risk score for the service.
Rule(s): A count of "approved" business services that fall into each migration strategy (6Rs). The assignment is based on the following logic:
Rehost: On-premise to cloud migration with no architectural changes (lift & shift)
Replatform: Optimize service during the migration process such as leveraging cloud PaaS services
Repurchase: Move services to another platform, often since the legacy platform is no longer supported
Refactor: Service requires modifications to the configuration due to components shared across services.
Retire: Service is no longer needed and can be removed
Research/Retain: Service required further attention before considering migrating
Service Migration Complexity & Risk:
The Service Migration Complexity & Risk is a bubble chart that combines both complexity and risk for each service to be migrated.
This view marries waves, server dependencies, complexity, and risk to provide a nice visual to help organizations plan their migration journey.
Rule(s): For all "approved" services to be migrated, plot the service onto the bubble chart based on complexity (x-axis) and risk (y-axis). Each service bubble size is based on the number of servers that make up the service.
The Waves pie chart shows the breakdown of business services to be migrated into 3 waves.
For many organizations where to start with cloud migration is a challenge. CloudSphere's depth of discovery and mapping means we can recommend a migration plan that utilizes our knowledge of the service complexity, giving businesses the confidence to move forward in their journey.
Rule(s): For all "approved" services, count the number of services that fit into each wave group. Wave groups are assigned by CloudSphere using the following logic:
Wave 1: Services with no dependencies. They do not share infrastructure and they don't communicate via API or software. Minimal risk, low complexity, likely rehost (lift and shift).
Wave 2: Services with dependencies, likely have rehost or replatform/refactor recommendations, possibly shared infrastructure or PaaS alternatives. These services communicate with one another and need to move as one.
Wave 3: Services where SaaS alternative exists, or where CloudSphere is unable to make a recommendation. This may be the result of an incomplete discovery or where there is additional data enrichment needed to fully build the service context map. Additional research is required.
Service Cost Breakdown Tab
Summary: The Service Cost Breakdown tab provides recommendations on migration cloud costs across cloud providers and regions.
Cost Recommendations Widgets with Filters:
The following two filters MUST be set to receive accurate results for your migration.
Filter on Cloud & Region:
The Cloud & Region filter box enables the selection of Cloud Provider and Region to use in the cost calculations. The available Cloud Providers and associated regions can be set within the CloudSphere UI under "User Preferences"
Filter on Currency:
The Currency filter box enables the selection of currency to use in the cost calculations
Description of displayed costs:
CloudSphere will provide two options at 3 different price points for moving services to the cloud.
The top three are based on the As Is instant types (similar sized cloud instances and storage to what is used today).
As Is - On Demand: On-demand cost paid monthly
As Is - 1Year RI: 1-year reserved instances
AS Is - 3Year RI: 3-year reserved instances
The bottom three are based on Right-Sized instances calculated based on collected metrics along with similar-sized storage as original systems.
RS - On Demand: On-demand cost paid monthly
RS - 1Year RI: 1-year reserved instances paid upfront
RS - 3Year RI: 3-year reserved instances paid upfront
1 and 3 Year Total Cost:
A summary of the total costs for the 6 price points described above for 1 and 3 years.
Service Details Tab
Summary: The Service Details tab provides detailed information on the services that are approved for migration to the cloud.
Service List:
The Service List table list all approved services for migration along with information used to determine the migration recommendations. For more details on the Completeness Score, Wave Id, Dependency Score, Complexity Score, and Risk Score, select the "Details" link for each service.
Rule(s): List all "approved" services along with the provided service details.
Details Link:
Summary: The Inventory/Service/Details dashboard provides detailed information on the specific service selected from the Services tab on the main Migration Services dashboard.
Service Properties:
Service Properties table provides key details and status on the recommended migration.
Further details can be gained by selecting the provided links which open the following dashboards which are described below under <Sub-Dashboards>:
Dependencies Dashboard
PaaS Options Dashboard
Recommendation Rules Dashboard
Monitoring Agent Dashboard
The Completeness bullet chart shows the calculated "Completeness Score" for the selected service.
The service completeness score helps customers and partners determine the completeness of their assessments (discovery and mapping of resources). By improving the completeness score will help ensure the reliability and accuracy of migration recommendations.
Rule(s): Based on communication patterns between servers supporting a service (aka Service Members), and Servers and/or Devices outside of the service, identifies Servers and/or Devices candidate for being included in the Service, and derives a score function of the actual number of Service Members and Candidates.
A count of the number of servers in the selected service
A count of the number of applications in the selected service
Cross Service Rels:
A count of the cross-service dependencies for this service
For more details, select the link provided in the table.
PaaS Options:
A count of the number of PaaS recommendations available for this service
For more details, select the PaaS Options linked under the Service Properties table above.
Cloud, Currency, and Costs Charts:
A breakdown of costs for this specific service using the same format described on the main migration services dashboard page.
Servers & Applications Tabs:
Provides a list of servers and applications associated with this service
Server Recommendations Tab:
- The Server Recommendations tab provides detailed information on the recommended instances and their associated costs.
PaaS Options Tab:
The PaaS Options table provides a list of potential refactoring of an application into a Cloud PaaS service.
As part of the migration process, it may be possible to refactor certain applications to take advantage of cloud services which can simplify management and provide other advantages for organizations.
Rule(s): CloudSphere maps applications (i.e. web servers and database servers) to potential cloud services provided by the different cloud providers. Based on the Application type (WebServer, ApplicationServer, DatabaseServer, etc) and model/vendor, a lookup is performed against cloud provider offerings to find if the same application is available from the Cloud Provider as a managed service
Sub Dashboards
Completeness Dashboard:
Service Completeness is computed off communication patterns between 'in Service' applications and other devices
- Completeness Summary and Completeness Details provide information used in calculating the service's completeness score.
- Rules Details describe the scoring system.
Dependencies Dashboard:
The Dependencies table provides a list of cross-service dependencies associated with the service.
Rule(s): Lists all Services that share infrastructure with the selected Service or which communicate with the selected Service.
Cross Service Dependency Chart:
The Cross Service Dependency graph chart provides a visual of the 1-hop dependencies for the service.
Rule(s): A graphical representation of the Dependencies table
Recommendation Rules Dashboard:
The Recommendations Dashboards contain 5 tabs that provide detailed information on the rules and calculations used for providing the migration recommendations.
- Service Rules
The list of rules that have been executed against the Service entity to derive a migration risk and recommendation. Presented as a HeatMap (Rules / Service) and in a tabular format
Server Rules
The list of rules that have been executed against each Server supporting the service, to derive a migration risk and recommendation. Presented as a HeatMap (Rules/ Servers) and in a tabular format
Application Rules
The list of rules that have been executed against each Application supporting the service, to derive a migration risk and recommendation. Presented as a HeatMap (Rules/ Application) and in a tabular format
Complexity Score
The Complexity Score reflects the level of complexity of a Service, based on the average of the following factors, resulting in a score from 0 to 100:
Migration recommendation Score: Recommendation evaluated by Migration Recommendation rules, mapped to a score.
Service to Service Dependency Score: External Service and Communication Dependencies
Service Size Score: Servers and Software supporting the Service
Risk Score
The Risk Score reflects the level of migration risk, based on the average of the following risk factors, resulting in a score from 0 to 100:
Environment Score, derived from the Service 'importance' field set manually via the DOI UI
Migration Risk Score, Risk level evaluated by Migration Recommendation rules, mapped to a score.
Criticality Score, which is the Business Criticality asset manually in the service 'Criticality' tag via the DOI UI
Dependency Score, External Service, and Communication Dependencies
Monitoring Agents Dashboard
The Monitoring Agents dashboards provide details on all monitoring agents discovered for this service.
Service Migration Progress Tab
Summary: The Service Migration Progress tab provides a detailed breakdown of the migration progress for services in each wave cycle.
Wave Progress:
The Wave Progress treemap chart shows the number of services in each state within each of the 3 Wave groups.
Rule(s): For all "approved" services for migration, map the number of services in each state to the appropriate wave group. Available migration services are shown below under Migration Status.
Environment Breakdown:
The Environment Breakdown treemap chart shows the numbers of services in each wave group based on the Environment they reside in.
Rule(s): For all "approved" services for migration, map the number of services in each wave group to the appropriate Environment.
Migration Status:
Charts: Awaiting Review, Awaiting Approval, Ready to Move, In Progress, Completed
The 5 charts show the count of services in each of the available states.
Rule(s): For all "approved" services for migration, count the number of services in each migration state.
Criticality Breakdown:
The Criticality bar chart shows the number of services with each level of criticality within each wave group.
Rule(s): For each "approved" service for migration, map the number of services by criticality within each wave group.
Data Sensitivity Breakdown:
The Data Sensitivity bar chart shows the number of services with each level of data sensitivity within each wave group.
Rule(s): For each "approved" service for migration, map the number of services by data sensitivity within each wave group.