The following instructions will show how to create an CloudSphere Virtual Appliance on a Hyper-V server using Hyper-V manager. Please contact the CloudSphere support team if you require assistance with any alternative deployment methods.
Appliance Download
You are able to download the Hyper-V virtual appliance image through the CloudSphere console under the help menu (Help → Download Virtual Appliance). Alternatively, contact the CloudSphere support team.
Once you have downloaded the zip file containing the virtual appliance image you need to save it to a location accessible by your Hyper-V manager. Unzip the file to create the files required by Hyper-V.

Appliance Install
To install the virtual appliance you will need to use the Hyper-V manager on the server to which you will deploy the appliance.
- Open the Hyper-V manager.
- On the right panel, select ”Import Virtual Machine.
- Click on Next button.
- Browse to the files saved in the Appliance Download steps and click “Next”.
- Select the folder containing “Virtual Hard Disks” and “Virtual Machines”.
- Verify the “.ova” template details that you are about to deploy and select “Next”.
- Select the import type but make sure to use the last one (“Copy the virtual machine”) and select “Next”.
- Select a folder where to store the Virtual Hard Disks.Make sure the folder is not used by a previous install.
- Review and verify the deployment settings and click “Finish”.
- When the appliance is successfully created, it will be displayed in the list of virtual machines deployed on the Hyper-V server in the Hyper-V manager.
- In the deployed virtual machines list, right-click on the appliance server and select “Start” the power on the appliance.
- You are now ready to configure your Virtual Appliance.
You are now ready to configure your Virtual Appliance. Please proceed to Configure the Virtual Appliance.