Appliance Install
When you log in on your Google Cloud Platform you need to choose the project in which you want to deploy your appliance.

Once done on the top left of the page you can see that you are in the selected project:

Now we need to find the Appliance image provided by CloudSphere and you can find it from the left menu bar selecting “Compute Engine”->”Machine images”
Here you are able to see the appliance image and if you double-click on it to see more details on the top of the page you have a button to create a Virtual Machine from the appliance image “Create Instance”.
Once clicked on it you will be prompted to a different page where you will be able to change all the needed settings/configuration of your Appliance Instance.
You need to introduce a Name and a Label (if needed) for your appliance end, then set up for this instance the same Region/Zone of your other Virtual Machines so you are able to scan them without problems.
We also recommend changing the Machine Configuration family, because the appliance needs at least 2 CPUs and 4GB of RAM to work without problems so we advise selecting Series E2 and as Machine type e2-medium or higher configuration.

The Instance configuration is almost ready, but before going ahead with the creation just remember to check the checkbox to allow HTTP traffic or the appliance will not be able to communicate with the other services:
You are now ready to configure your Virtual Appliance. Please proceed to Configure the Virtual Appliance.