The following installation instructions are for the installation of an appliance in your AWS account.
You must have appropriate permissions to be able to deploy a new virtual machine in order to complete the installation.
Please contact your AWS contact/administrator for assistance with AWS permissions.
Appliance Download
The appliance image is made available in the AWS Market for the installation of an appliance in your AWS account.
Details are provided in the appliance install section on how to find the appropriate image.
Appliance Install
To install the virtual appliance you will need to log into your AWS console for the account where you want to deploy the appliance.
You will also need to ensure that the account has the required permissions to be able to create new VMs.
- Ensure you are in the correct zone (you must deploy the appliance in the same zone as the targets you need to scan.
If you have targets in several zones, you will need multiple appliances). - Navigate to All Services > Compute > EC2.
- Click on the "Launch Instance" button.
- Contact the Cloudsphere support team to retrieve the appropriate AMI identifier, and search for it in the list of community AMIs. ("AMI stands for Amazon Machine Instance")
- Once you have located the correct AMI click “Select” corresponding to the AMI.
Choose an instance type. Cloudsphere recommends that you specify a minimum of 2 CPU cores and 4GB Ram for scanning. On AWS we require a minimum of t3.medium instance size.
- Select "Next: Configure Instance".
- Configure the Network settings.
Select the appropriate Network and Subnet and set the Network Interfaces:
Note: Direct access to the Appliance Management UI is required for the Registration and Licensing of the appliance.
To access the Appliance Management UI you can either:
a) Auto-assign a Public IP (set to enable above) for direct access via a public IP address.
b) Access via the auto-assigned Private IP.
This requires access to the private IP from your network (e.g. Via VPN to the cloud instance). - Please consult your AWS team for confirmation on Security Group settings.
- Select “Review and Launch”.
- Select “Launch”.
- Select the key pair to use (new or existing).
If new selected, please make sure to save the PEM file which will be required to connect to the console of the appliance. - Select “Launch instance”.
- Once the appliance has booted for the first time, you can determine the public IP address from AWS.
You need this IP address to log in to the server.
You are now ready to configure your Illuminate 360 Virtual Appliance. Please proceed to Configure the Virtual Appliance.